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Ocean Tankers


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  1. Vacancy for Master

    Work/Life Balance
    Comp & Benefits
    Senior Management
    Culture & Value
    By Sergei Krasilnikov

    Would like to send my CV for master vacancy on tanker vessels.

Work/Life Balance
Comp & Benefits
Senior Management
Culture & Value

Ocean Tankers


About Us

Established in 1978. Ocean Tankers (Pte) Ltd (Judicial Managers Appointed by Court) has steadily acquired vessels over the years to fuel our growth and support the needs of our customers. From a small bunker operator, we have grown into a leading tanker manager in Singapore. Today, we offer services to a wide network of customers including oil majors, state-owned oil companies and international trading houses. Our company manages and operates a fleet of about 100 vessels ranging from 180 dwt coastal barges to 318,000 VLCCs.

As a dynamic enterprise focused on energy transportation, we have been amongst the leaders in developing solutions tailored to meet the changing needs of our customers. Our underlying strengths are in the magnitude and profile of our fleet, customer-focused services, and strong commitment to safety and quality. Most importantly, we draw on the strengths of our dedicated and professionally trained personnel. Combined with strong alliances forged with mid to downstream players, we are able to provide a full range of facilities, expertise and market insights that add value to and support our customers’ business growth.

Contact Us

Germany Office

Phone: +49 176 84333860


Address: Hedwig-Porschwitz-Straße 7, 10557 Berlin, Germany.

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India Office

Phone:   +91 9987714747

Email :

Plot No. 47, Office No S-181, 2nd Floor, Haware Fantasia Business Park, Corporate Wing, Sector 30A, Vashi, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400703, India.
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