BLUESEAS MARITIME SERVICES NIGERIA LIMITED was incorporated on the 22nd day of August 2003; Blueseas Maritime Services Nigeria Limited has made tremendous progress and consolidation within its short period of existence. It has witnessed rapid growth and expansion in its area of business and now poised to venture into other maritime related activities.
“ We are affiliated with S5 W. Med / Marmedsa Group” , and we are desirous of
partnering or affiliating or acting in a representative capacity with any other international company to broaden the frontiers of maritime activities in the country. Such co-operation will be on the basis of shared values. The company has been duly registered with all the relevant parastatals whose activities impact on berthing and sailing of vessels. These parastatals include the Nigerian Ports Authority, the National Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, and Departments of Customs and Immigration at the various ports within Nigeria. Blueseas Maritime Service is ISO certified.