The family-run medium-sized shipping company BD-Shipsnavo GmbH & Co. Reederei KG can proudly look back on a long maritime tradition. The grandparents and great-grandparents “Bernhard Schepers” and “Helena Schepers” of today’s BD-Shipsnavo by Bernhard Dopp, Peter Dopp and Christian Dopp were already active with their sailors in the maritime sector.
The basis for the shipping company, now in its fifth generation, was laid in 1885 by captain Heinrich Schepers with the acquisition of the Tjalk “MARIA”. On October 27, 1889, the sailor stranded in a heavy storm off Norderney. All crew members were killed as a sailor.
His son, Captain Bernhard Schepers (* 1887) followed in his father’s footsteps by purchasing the sailing ship “MARIA ELISE” in 1913. The ship was later converted into a motor sailor.